HCIS’s Most Important Responsibilities include:
Executing all Commission Decisions
Coordinating among different facilities (Petroleum, Industrial, Services) and the different security agencies to the effectively implement all security, industrial safety and fire protection requirements.
Conducting comprehensive onsite surveys of all Sectors Under HCIS Oversight to follow up and insure implementation of all security, industrial safety and fire protection requirements.
Preparing qualified Saudi Human Resources and personnel specialized in industrial security in all areas of expertise.
Supervising and Monitoring the establishment of specialized administration and departments concerned with industrial security within all facilities.
Preparing technical, engineering, administrative, and regulatory procedures for all sectors under HCIS oversight covering safety, security and fire protection and updating them regularly.
Hosting conferences, exhibitions and seminars with aimed at developing and improving awareness within all industrial security fields, improving the qualifications of all those involved, and following up on all modern developments and theories introducing and familiarizing with new risks and environmental factors within internal and external industries.
Develop emergency and evacuation plans that are commensurate with the specific circumstances of each facility and perform follow-up testing and execute simulations to ensure effectiveness and suitability.
Participate in committees concerned with undertaking security and safety precautions for facilities and installations which are not subject to the supervision of High Commission For Industrial Security.